Euphoria, a captivating show, has garnered immense popularity due to its intriguing characters, stunning set production, and iconic fashion. In this blog entry, we will delve into the character of Cassie, who serves as a focal point in the series. Cassie, a popular yet deeply traumatized girl, grapples with feelings of loneliness and the need for validation. These emotions are reflected in her choice of outfits and colors throughout the show’s two seasons.

Cassie’s clothing choices vividly depict her early sexualization, issues with her father, and her yearning for male validation and love. Unfortunately, these desires have led her to lose sight of her true self, as she strives to appeal to her boyfriends. A pivotal moment in the show occurs when Cassie dresses up as her best friend Maddy in an attempt to catch the attention of Maddy’s ex-boyfriend, Nate, whom Cassie has become infatuated with. Prior to this, Cassie had never resorted to flashy attire to gain male attention. However, when Nate showed no interest in her, she began experimenting with her appearance.

Striving Towards Perfection

Every morning, Cassie would wake up at 4am, diligently trying to conceal any imperfections and meticulously moisturizing her skin, all in the hopes of captivating Nate with her beauty. She experimented with various fashion styles, but none seemed to succeed, except for one – the day she dressed exactly like Maddy’s. In that fleeting moment, Nate’s gaze fell upon her, granting Cassie the validation she had been yearning for. From that point on, her fashion and style underwent a noticeable transformation. No longer dressing for herself, Cassie adopted Maddie’s style solely to please a controlling, narcissistic man who was attracted to that particular aesthetic.

Initially, Cassie’s style was simple and friendly, characterized by a baby blue and pink color palette, exuding a flirty yet cute vibe. However, her fashion choices took a turn towards riskier, more selfless, and revealing ensembles, while still maintaining the same color palette. This shift in her fashion can be described as a form of “regression.” As the episodes progress, Cassie gradually conceals her own personality, becoming a mere reflection of others.

Cassie Howard's style breakdown with signature colors

(Image Taken from Myah Majesty “Maddy Vs. Cassie: An Analysis of Style and Behavior”)

In conclusion, Cassie’s character in Euphoria is a testament to the show’s complexity and relatability. Through her fashion choices, we witness the detrimental effects of seeking validation from others, particularly from toxic individuals. Follow us for more fashion analysis’ in media!

Read Maddy Perez’s Style Analysis: